Humankind has always been invaded by anxiety and the causes of it have changed throughout the centuries. It is different to be anxious when you find out that the earth is not flat but round, with the risk of falling into the void, than being anxious because you listen to our own fast heart beating, believing that you’re having a heart attack. There was a time when humankind was anxious about “not-knowing” – nowadays it is an overflow of knowledge that can create anxiety.
BLUE deals with the endogenous and exogenous anxiety and the symptoms it generates, through the prism of a raw, naive text underpinned by the primitive energy of Rock'n'roll. I have never heard speaking of panic attacks so accurately. Anna Lemonaki is very sincere in this work, there is a very human aspect to it. Marie-Pierre Genecand, Space 2, RTS / Le Temps, 2016 Anna Lemonaki's great quality is a disarming directness, a simplicity that seems to bring her closer to the spectator rather than placing herself on a pedestal before him. Very rarely have I felt so strongly the desire of a performer to blend in rather than stand out. This tenderness makes her unique. Georgios Voudiklaris,, 2023 From the point of view of its aesthetics, this performance makes us think of multidisciplinary theatre or Angelica Liddell. Singular performance, hybrid, greek, familiar and strange, near and far, which has things to tell, human things, shameful things. It talks about the healthy and the sick, the acceptable and the inadmissible, the panic disorder, the anxiety, the loneliness and what it means to grow up under the orders of others. Savvas Patsalidis, The GreekPlayProject, 2016 |